We have often hear this sentence! There are those who select experts based on word of mouth, references, reviews and those who, regardless of the person or company, analyze the amount and price in the lower right corner or in our case the lowest % for the property sold.
We often see desperate people who have been put in a situation where they keep the price too high for years and then have no more time. They have to sell.
Wrong estimate!
Free classifieds! Free portals!
And months go by and still nothing, valuable assets still stand ...
We hear many times: "I was told to assign a mandate to more agencies so that I would have more opportunities."
Is that really so?
Let's think about it: how would you feel if your home, your piece of the heart were bombarded by 3/4/5 different properties on the same real estate portal?
Maybe the same photos, but different prices…
Does a professional still cost you too much?
MAXXIA works wonders?
Absolutely not!
We are professional, we do not make false promises !!
With us you can be sure that the value of your property will be correct, not too high just to please you to get your mandate or as a gesture of kindness!
We will be clear and honest with you immediately.
We will not drag you into the old tactic of lowering the price later when you no longer have a choice.
We will not bring you fake customers.
We will not beautify the pictures of your property in order to deceive the buyers (your buyers are not tourists who will stay for 7 days).
We will not be indiscreet before or after the sale of your property because the money you received is your intimacy.
We will not forget to tell you that the buyer is objectively looking at your property.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to cash in on your memories that connect you to your property.
But we will:
- take over your property with a lot of attention and respect for you and your desire to sell,
- take care of your property on a daily basis as if it were the only one in our offer,
- be at your disposal 7 days a week for all advice and necessary support,
- know at all times what your property is and your intentions to sell,
- offer your property to all our associates in the Republic of Croatia and abroad,
- offer your property to our trusted partner agencies,
- monitor the market situation for you and react accordingly.
And we will sell your property.
Your trust, our mutual success.